I got this email on March 13, 2013
I would love to be in your videos I really like the whole father figure role you do. Unfortunately im not.in the seattle area, im far from it but just wanted to drop in, maybe chat sometime & if im ever that way shoot you an email!
I had received a lot of emails from women saying pretty much the same thing so I always ask them to tell me their age and send a picture. She sent this picture of a cute blond standing on a front porch with a huge smile and said she was 20.
Every idea or picture you have in your head about a sweet young down home girl is just what Jamie is. I didn't know at the time but she was craving for someone, anyone to care about her. I won't go into detail about her family but let's just say she came from a broken home. All she wanted in life was to be someone far from the pain of her family.
After a week of emails we talked on the phone for the first time. It didn't take long and I was scolding her for things she was doing or didn't do. She simply wanted someone to care about her. If she got into trouble with her family they'd pretty much do nothing about it. She grew up pretty much doing as she pleased and that made her feel unwanted and unloved.
I never really thought she would move thousands of miles away from her home to actually do spanking videos but she did. We connected in a way that many or most would find strange. I saw her as a daughter I was adopting and could help her grow into a better person who could find all the good things about herself. Her self esteem was unbelievably low. This beautiful young woman with such a promising life felt she had nothing really to live for.
I was so disappointed in a society that does that to their children. I had grown up the same way. I had so much to offer life and the world but almost everyday heard I was worthless and stupid. I knew just what Jamie was going through and I wanted to make sure that she found her self esteem for earlier in life than I did.
The first time we met face to face was when I picked her up at the airport. Her flight came in later because of a missed connection and I had to pick her up literally on my way to work. The first thing she did when she saw me was smile and give me a huge hug that seemed to last for minutes. We had been emailing, texting and talking on the phone for 5 months by then and on the way to the job site I was working she was pretty quiet.
I normally get to a job site early but this time I was really early because of how early her flight came in. When I parked we were the only ones in the lot and it would be that way for another hour. Over the course of that 5 months she had racked up a few spankings and she knew she would have a few coming so to my utter shock she asked if I could give her one right then and there so she could get at least one of them out of the way.