Sunday, January 11, 2015

Second spanking for the day!

Jamie's first official on camera spanking occurred on August 2, 2013 in true SpankHer4Real fashion.  I suppose you could say it was her screen test.  To me there's nothing sexier or more submissive than a young woman taking down her own pants and panties knowing full well she's going to get spanked.  It's the ultimate submission and it's saying, without words, I'm yours, I trust you, I give myself to you.

There were little words spoken when it came to that part of the day.  She knew it was coming and actually wanted to get it over with just like she wanted to get that first one over with.

When I was a "young spanker" it was more about controlling the young lady getting spanked.  As I aged I realized that one person should never control another.  But when a woman submits of her own free will it's like nothing else.  I suppose you could use conditions to get her to submit but when she submits to a spanking and there are no conditions that's pure.

 I have found that I can make a spanking as long as I want it to be without her making too much of a fuss as long as I'm spanking benevolently.  When a Spanker displays anger that can be interpreted as "violent" then red flags go up for the spankee.  However, and it's no matter how severe the spanking gets, if the spankee feels that the spanking they are getting is deserved and that you're not being cruel they will stay across your lap as long as you want them to.

The final goal for Jamie has always been and, I think, will always be her sitting on my lap and getting the hug of her life.  She also feels a huge release or weight off her shoulders because she did something wrong, got punished for it and now it's over and in her past.

 For me, what draws me closer with any relationship I have with a submissive is her willingness to simply accept she's going to get spanked because she deserves a spanking.  That fact she's chosen and accepted me to deliver her spanking is like a badge of honor.  It's a responsibility I don't take lightly.


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